On May 23, Bloomberg reported that wireless technology giant Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM) intends to “unveil a dedicated chip to power stand-alone virtual-reality and augmented-reality headsets” as early as next week.
The GSMA Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona
The GSMA Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the biggest gathering for the mobile industry. All the key players from the mobile industry come to showcase their latest products & services every year in Barcelona, Spain. This year, MWC 2017 starts from Monday, February 27 to Thursday March 2. This 4-day event will have more than …
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Virtual Reality in Enterprises: Delivering the Dream
The words virtual reality, until recently, conjured up images of a technology that was still in the making. But the picture is different today. In the wake of the release of groundbreaking VR devices such as the Oculus Headset & the PlayStation VR, virtual reality is finally set to deliver on its promise. The technology …
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